Wraparound is a process: As a client of Wraparound, our job is to create a plan and support, based on one family at a time. You and your family will create a plan based on your input with the help of your Facilitator, and others you choose to be on your team. Based on your choice, you will be connected with resources to assist you in achieving the goals of your plan.
Wraparound Program Goal
The goal of Wraparound is to help your family and you find better ways to be a family. We will only be around for a short time, but we will help you find ways to be better so that strangers will not have to come in again.
Wraparound Program Services
Weekly Family Contact
Linking and Coordinating Resources
Support and 24/7 Availability
Positive Family Activities and Outing 4 Times Per Year
Eligibility Criteria
Age Requirements:
12 - 16 Years of Age
Geographic Area/Zip Code Boundary/County/City:
On the Eastside of Wayne County.
Clients are eligible for Wraparound when they are:
Linked with the Court system.
In danger of being removed from home.
Have a mental health diagnosis, and are in need of mental health services.
Being placed back into the community after being away from home.